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Date :2017-01-31

Mawhiba and Ministry of Education to hold the biggest training forum for the gifted

T​o nominate them for international contests


In the biggest training forum for the gifted students in mathematics and science 320 students are preparing  to join the winter gathering 2017 to be held from 28 Rabie Thani to 7 Jumada Awal 1438H corresponding to 26 Jan. to 4 Feb. 2017 held jointly by Ministry of Education and King Abdulaziz & his Companions Foundation For Giftedness & Creativity “Mawhiba”.

Winter gathering aims to train and qualify male and female students participating in regional and international Olympiads of chemistry, physics, mathematics and science. Students are selected on the basis of their previous participations in the training forums and basic courses in addition to the results of "Talent Contest for Mathematics and Science".

The training programs will be held at the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu hosting 170 male and female students, at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) in Jeddah hosting 65 students, and , in Riyadh , at King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center hosting 49 students and Obaer Hotel hosting 36 students.

This forum is just one circle of a chain of forums providing training in the 4 sections of mathematics (Algebra, geometry, combinatorics and number theory). Also, training of chemistry, physics and science in the same topics they started training in them in last summer gathering and extensive training.

The training of these students is undertaken by an elite of local and international experts from Hungary, Estonia, Vietnam and Taiwan. The winter training forum 2017 is part of a series of joint programs, initiatives and projects carried out by Mawhiba and the Ministry of Education for nurturing the gifted and innovators and to prepare a qualified generation of future scientists.