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Date :2017-10-03

35 Books in the Series of Mawhiba’ s Scientific Publications Project


On the 30th of September each year, the world celebrates the International Day of Translation for its importance in the exchange of knowledge and science, and in the quest of King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity (Mawhiba) to meet the need of the Arab Library of reliable reference guides in the field of educating the gifted students to contribute in the promotion of the proper understanding of educators, teachers and researchers of the talent and creativity and to develop their practical practices in the field of educating the gifted students in order to contribute in the building of an effective educational system that supports the transition into knowledge society and to achieve sustainable development.

Mawhiba has launched the project "Mawhiba’s Scientific Publications”, in cooperation with Al Obaikan Company. About 35 books were issued in the series of Mawhiba’s Scientific Publications project. Such books have been translated and reviewed by a distinguished team of specialists who have made great efforts to search the great number of terms in these books. Mawhiba’s experts verified the quality of such publications. Mawhiba hopes these Scientific Publications will contribute in the promotion of spreading of the culture of talent and creativity.

The idea of translating a selected series of the best scientific production in the field of talent and creativity aim to contribute to the supply of the Arab Library and then the educators, researchers and practitioners in the field of talent with modern and authentic sources of knowledge of reliable value which have been authored by a group of the pioneers in the field of educating of the most talented students in the world.

Mawhiba was keen to ensure that those books cover broad and diverse ranges in the field of educating the gifted students in order for a great number of beneficiaries to take advantage of them.

The publications of this translated scientific series of Mawhiba address a number of diverse issues related to Mawhiba’s concepts and models along with different issues of creativity, the identification and performance evaluation of the gifted students, how to design, implement and evaluate programs, the teaching models used to educate the gifted students, the psychological and instructional services, STEM "education and other related issues".