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Mathematics Olympiad - Arabian Gulf Mathematics Olympiad

​​A periodic competition in mathematics for students of member states of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, organized and supervised by the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, hosted by one of the member states, and its importance is to create an appropriate environment to raise scientific competition among students of member states, in various fields of competition, and to contribute to Enriching school curricula and developing education, and its first edition was launched in 2012.



and the results of the Kingdom were as follows:


General Hosting country
Team members The number of participating countries ​Meda​ls ​ ​
2012Untied Arabs Emarits UAE66- 51
2013Qatar66- 42
2014Oman67- 24
2015Kuwait66- 42
2016Saudi Arabia66- 24
2017Saudi Arabia620- 33
2018​​​​Not ​been held this ye​ar


